Trans ID Clinics.

Helping you with name & gender
marker amendments on identification

Trans ID Clinics are held in person in Calgary help individuals navigate the often complex process of having their ID documents match their identity, including:

• Name changes
• Gender marker amendments
• Help with other ID documents

You can join us at an upcoming clinic by booking your appointment online today.

Each appointment lasts about an hour and includes support with filling out the required paperwork, having a lawyer commission or notarize documents and getting information about other steps involved in the process.

You will need to bring a valid piece of photo ID and your birth certificate (if you have it) to the appointment.

All services are free of cost.

If you aren’t able to complete this form for whatever reason or require virtual ID assistance, please contact us directly and we’ll be happy to work with you to get connected.

Your privacy matters to us.
All of the information you share here is absolutely confidential and encryption protected in alignment with legislation. For more details about our Privacy Policy, click here.